anabelle hubaut - state of sabotage

By Robert jelinek

The micro-nation, State of sabotage [SOS], founded in 2003 by Robert jelinek together with artist colleagues, undermines existing national conventions. In addition to the temporarily established SoS consulate, the constitution of the state and its real territory, among other things, are shown in a video documentary. In an analogy with the attributes of a nation on which identity is founded - from passports and flags to national monuments and a natiuonal dish- SoS developps its own forms of repressentation. As a subversive reference and visual sign, SoS leaves behind permanently installed drain covers thus undergoing national territories and connecting the art centres in Linz an Nice. Visitors have an opportunity to become citizens of the artist nation and participate in the ongoing process of recognition as a sovereign state.

Official website State Of Sabotage